Get Involved

Be part of the Flagstaff Shakespeare Festival! We welcome your ideas, energy, time, and (yes) donations.
Here are some ways to get involved:
Flagshakes relies on our generous volunteers to keep our shows operating smoothly and ensure that our guests have the best experience possible. Our volunteers (including volunteer board members) help with everything from setting up performance spaces, collecting tickets, and interacting with patrons to sewing costumes.
If you’re interested in volunteering with FlagShakes, please contact [email protected] or [email protected] to inquire about needs and opportunities.
We welcome monetary donations, but there’s another way you can give to FlagShakes: by housing an actor. If you have a spare guestroom, apartment, or guesthouse and would like to shelter one or more actors during their stay in Flagstaff and performance seasons, please contact [email protected] .
. As a token of our gratitude, all hosts receive:
• Two free tickets to the show your actor is in
• A receipt documenting your tax-deductible donation