I’ve always found the arts to be an incredible source of healing, learn-
ing, and connection with others. The start of a new project is an ex-
citing and daunting time when you don’t know how things will turn out, if you’ll be happy with the final product, or what challenges await
weeks down the road. This uncertainty can be balanced and offset
with confidence and experience, qualities which are immediately
tested on day one of rehearsal. And then connections begin to form. Words on paper become lines delivered by talented performers. Movement throughout the rehearsal space puts a shape to the work, and the play begins to gain its feet.
Trust grows and suddenly, the scenes sway with life. We gain new understanding of the words and the story and strengthen our connection with one another.
Without the love and support of my community, and most importantly
my partner, Joanie (Love you, sweetie!), the words would still be on
the page. My most sincere and heartfelt gratitude goes out to those
who patiently listened, unconditionally trusted, and empathetically
supported our cast and crew during the creation of this play. Please know that your support of your loved ones during the rehearsal pro-
cess is invaluable, and it’s you who keeps us in balance as we create.
This reimagining of the original translations of “God of Vengeance”was a pleasure to work with. Thank you to Flagstaff Shakespeare Festival’s dramaturgy staff for compiling and adapting the script. Special thanks to Dawn Tucker—one of the most fierce and inspirational people I know—whose suggestion it was for the sex workers to take on the surrealistic role of “Greek chorus” throughout our play, a choice that created agency and voice for character-types who traditionally have little.
Enjoy as we transport you to a provincial town outside of Warsaw,
Poland, in 1906. Here you’ll find the Chopchovich family living above
the brothel that “Uncle” Yankel owns and operates, while the family
attempts to balance their Jewish identity with past trespasses. Sin
and virtue, expectations and reality, mercy and vengeance all teeter
under one roof. What will be left when it all comes tumbling down?
Garrison Garcia
Director, God of Vengeance
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