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Shakespeare on Pluto

by Matthew Windham
with songs by AJ Maniglia and Anne Cuevas
February 14-23  at Beaver Street Theatre
Beaver Street Theatre Grand Opening featuring

Shakespeare’s Sirens

by Hannah and Jacob Johnson
Shakespeare’s Birthday, April 23 at Beaver Street Theatre

What the Constitution Means to Me

by Heidi Schreck
April 25-27  at Beaver Street Theatre

In Real Life

by Charlayne Woodard
October 17-19 at Beaver Street Theatre

Summer Repertory under the festival tent

July 10-August 31 at Lowell Observatory

King Lear

by William Shakespeare

Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) (revised) (again)

by Adam Long, Daniel Singer and Jess Winfield


by Jane Austen, adapted by Matthew Windham
December 5-14 at Beaver Street Theatre

Additional Events and Performances

Simply Silly Shakespeare

by Matthew Windham and AJ Maniglia
One day only! August 2 at Lowell Observatory

Regency Christmas Ball

(in conjunction with Emma)
December 12 at Beaver Street Theatre